The Workforce Alchemy Challenge - A Member Benefit

Have you ever heard of Jim Collins's bestselling book “Good to Great” there he said the most important thing your business can do is get the wrong people off the bus, get the right people on the bus, and put them in the right seats? The bus Collins was referring to was, of course, your business.

Collins said it is even more important than your business strategy because if you have the right people in the right seats, they will figure out the right strategy.

Anyway… that book came out in 2001 or 2002, and people are STILL talking about it. I think Collins was right, and he made a ton of sense.  Unfortunately, his book didn’t tell you HOW to do it, and it didn’t provide the TOOLS that were necessary.

We were approached by a nationwide expert who ALSO cares about our organizational mission and our members. We found a way to work together so everyone wins.

His name is Mason Duchatschek, and his expertise picks up where Collins left off. We developed a relationship with his firm and he has been very generous with us and our members. He’s an #1 bestselling author of multiple books, and his ideas have been featured in Selling Power magazine, Entrepreneur magazine, and the New York Times.

Want to hire the best people the first time and avoid the worst? Want to avoid unnecessary turnover, substandard performance, drama, conflict, and employee theft? Want to get better work accomplished faster, using fewer people? Want to know the secrets of retaining the best people, so you don’t have to replace them?

We think this knowledge, these tools, and those skills are priceless. He is making his Workforce Alchemy training and up to $1000 worth of his tools available to ALL of our members in good standing who apply for and complete the Workforce Alchemy Challenge!

Simply click the button below, answer 10 quick questions, and be sure to mention that you heard about all this from the Grandview Chamber (so your acceptance and participation are 100% guaranteed).

Also, here’s a two-minute video that explains it.


15+ Questions to Identify Your Ideal Client


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