Liz Ogle Liz Ogle

Tips for Reining in Your Focus in a Distracted World

Small business owners and solopreneurs learn quickly that they must wear many hats. While this ability to work in every area of their business may save money in the short term, it doesn't take long to understand that multitasking can be bad for business. When your focus is diluted across many channels and business goals, you may find that you do a little bit of everything but never solidly complete anything.

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Liz Ogle Liz Ogle

Resolution Alternatives for the New Year

When J.R.R. Tolkien wrote, “Not all who wander are lost”, he wasn't talking about business professionals. If you want to grow your business and succeed you need a goal/destination and a road map of how you'll get there. Some people do this by setting resolutions. But that term is associated with excuses and lackluster performance.

So, we have some alternatives to setting resolutions that you may find more successful and empowering.

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