Liz Ogle Liz Ogle

Breaking the Burnout Cycle for SmallBusiness Success

It’s important to recognize the early signs of burnout and mental health struggles. Ignoring them can have disastrous consequences for you and your business. It can lead to decreased productivity, poor decision-making, high employee turnover, and a toxic company culture. Moreover, mental health struggles can seep into personal relationships, further isolating you from the support you need.

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Liz Ogle Liz Ogle

Tips for Reining in Your Focus in a Distracted World

Small business owners and solopreneurs learn quickly that they must wear many hats. While this ability to work in every area of their business may save money in the short term, it doesn't take long to understand that multitasking can be bad for business. When your focus is diluted across many channels and business goals, you may find that you do a little bit of everything but never solidly complete anything.

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Liz Ogle Liz Ogle

Engagement = Content: Good for You and Your Audience

Whether you are a business or a nonprofit, operating in the public sector or the private one, serving businesses and organizations or serving individuals, established in your sector or just starting out, running an empire or “lone wolfing” it, your audience wants to get to know you better. In fact, they expect it.

So, what does that look like and how does that benefit you?

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Liz Ogle Liz Ogle

How to Get Certified as a Woman-Owned Business

If you’re a woman who owns a business and you’d like to apply for federal contracts, getting officially certified as a woman-owned business is essential. The federal government’s goal is to award at least 5% of its contracts to women-owned small businesses each year. While the certification process may seem daunting, it’s not that difficult if you know the basic application rules and materials needed.

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Liz Ogle Liz Ogle

How Can the Chamber of Commerce Help Your Business?

We all have more than we can handle these days. We’re doing more with less, trying to figure out how we will pay for our necessities as prices skyrocket. What if there was something the chamber could do to take something off your plate, to help you do more with less time?

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Liz Ogle Liz Ogle

Transform Your Workspace for Productivity and Success

Investing time in establishing the right workspace can improve your productivity, creativity, and organization, as well as make you more successful. Whether you believe in Feng Shui or not, you can transform your workspace into a harmonious and productive haven that will help you achieve more in the time it takes to watch your favorite TV show.

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Liz Ogle Liz Ogle

A Meaningful Tip to Transform Your Business’ Marketing

No matter what industry you're in, you can always learn from techniques used in other businesses. Particularly if those techniques lead you to ideas that help you connect with your audience. In this article, we're going to discuss an easy change that will transform your business's marketing and how people see your business. It's something you can do today regardless of your target market.

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Liz Ogle Liz Ogle

What Year Are You In?

There are years to plant, years to sow, years to harvest, and years to lay fallow. And that applies to business too. That doesn’t mean you go dormant with nothing to do. There’s always growth to be had but the outward signs of that growth look different from year to year (or in the case of gardening, season to season.)

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Liz Ogle Liz Ogle

Resolution Alternatives for the New Year

When J.R.R. Tolkien wrote, “Not all who wander are lost”, he wasn't talking about business professionals. If you want to grow your business and succeed you need a goal/destination and a road map of how you'll get there. Some people do this by setting resolutions. But that term is associated with excuses and lackluster performance.

So, we have some alternatives to setting resolutions that you may find more successful and empowering.

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Liz Ogle Liz Ogle

20 Reasons Why Chamber Membership Is One of the Best Business Investments Out There!

Have you ever attended a chamber event? If you’re not a member, you’re missing out. Before you think you don’t have the time to attend events, it’s important you know chamber life is not just mixers and ribbon cuttings. Chamber membership is one of the best-kept secrets for free or nearly free business resources like webinars, lunch & learns, and written collateral. Plus, a whole lot more. Chamber membership is one of the best business investments you can make for the money and return.

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Liz Ogle Liz Ogle

New in Town? Tips to Help Your New Business (and you) Fit In.

These days there’s a lot of talk about accepting everyone for who they are. But when most of the people in your new area have spent their lives together, starting a new business in these places can feel like you’re the new kid at the lunch table in middle school. It’s not that they aren’t welcoming and friendly, they just don’t know you like they know everyone else. It takes time. And no one has time for that. Here are a few tips to help you speed up the process.

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Liz Ogle Liz Ogle

5 Ways to Improve (or Build) Team Culture in Your Small Business

Many small businesses overlook the importance of team culture. They might do so because they feel they have a transient workforce and people won’t stick around. It’s possible they believe they’re simply too small and team culture is for larger companies like Nike. But that’s not the case. A team or company culture is as important as your brand. You’re not too small for one of those, are you?

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Liz Ogle Liz Ogle

Small Business Owners: It’s Time to Think Big

As a small business owner, it's easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day operations of your business. You're constantly juggling tasks like managing inventory or staff, paying bills, and dealing with customer service issues. It can be challenging to find time to think about the big picture, let alone act on it. However, it's essential to think bigger if you want your business to grow and thrive. Now’s as good a time as any.

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Liz Ogle Liz Ogle

3 Easy Things to Help You Attract More Customers for Your New Business

Starting a new business is difficult under the best circumstances. But in today's economic climate, it's difficult to make a name for yourself when most people are trying desperately to cut back on expenses. Yet, you shouldn’t get discouraged. There are easy (and free) ideas out there that can help. Here are three tips to bring in more customers as a brand-new business.

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